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Gian Lorenzo

Italian Baroque sculptor, restorer, draftsman, painter, architect, designer & playwright

born 1598 - died 1680
Born in: Naples (Napoli, Campania, Italy).
Died in: Rome (Lazio, Italy).

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Altar Cross

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Apollo and Daphne detail 3

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                  Bust of Cardinal Armand de Richeleu

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Bust of Cdstanza Bonarelli

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        Bust  of POpe urban V1111

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                Daniel of and the Lion

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David detail 1

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Equestrian Statue of King Louis XIV

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The Rape Proserpina detail 1

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The Rape of Proserpina detail 2

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The  Rape of Prserpina detail3

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Bernini The Throne of Saint Peter

사용자 삽입 이미지

Gian Lorenzo

Italian Baroque sculptor, restorer, draftsman, painter, architect, designer & playwright

born 1598 - died 1680
Born in: Naples (Napoli, Campania, Italy).
Died in: Rome (Lazio, Italy).