Gian Lorenzo
Italian Baroque sculptor, restorer, draftsman, painter, architect, designer & playwright
born 1598 - died 1680
Born in: Naples (Napoli, Campania, Italy).
Died in: Rome (Lazio, Italy).
Altar Cross
Apollo and Daphne detail 3
Bust of Cardinal Armand de Richeleu
Bust of Cdstanza Bonarelli
Bust of POpe urban V1111
Daniel of and the Lion
David detail 1
Equestrian Statue of King Louis XIV
The Rape Proserpina detail 1
The Rape of Proserpina detail 2
The Rape of Prserpina detail3
Bernini The Throne of Saint Peter
Italian Baroque sculptor, restorer, draftsman, painter, architect, designer & playwright
born 1598 - died 1680
Born in: Naples (Napoli, Campania, Italy).
Died in: Rome (Lazio, Italy).